News about cycling and Angel Cruisers bike shop in Dublin. Find tips and advice, comment and share – all cycling enthusiasts are welcome!
When we started AngelCruisers our main objectives were to provide comfortable bicycles for cheapest price on the market and we did that successfully for few years, but after a while we realised if we want to stay on top of our industry we have to offer something else that others. You see it is not…
Written by: Anne Mathews Fifteen years ago, I bought a secondhand sky-blue 1979 Trek, a road bike only slightly younger than me. It was a step into an unfamiliar world of elegant vehicles – until then, my rides had all been cheap, rusty or semibroken. Pedaling home from the bike shop, stretched over the low-slung handlebars,…
Practical Cycling Is Not A Fad Some people passing our shop assume that our bikes are just some fad, just some trend or fashion trying to attract attention that will pass same way the fashion for road bikes that started in 70s did, the same way the fashion for mountain bikes started in 90s has…